Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lot's of Thoughts...

I'm trying to debate on what I'll put in which blog, but I've realized that it doesn't matter. I'll post whatever I damn feel like posting, and that is the attitude that I will have from here on out. Screw order.

Anyway, I have a story that I would like to tell you.

I'll just go ahead and tell it all the way through without pausing to apologize for any cliches and what have you. It may not be in chronological order, but it's fine. Consider it brainstorming.

Okay. Here we go.

The story is about a boy with bright yellow hair and bright blue eyes. He is the light of the world. His enemy is a man who smokes and hides behind dark glasses. They call him the ash man. Their world is ran by a corrupt government. Secretly, the government betrayed its own people by stripping them of their liberties and demanding their "loyalty". Schools were altered to train the youth of the nation, and "terrorists" were weeded out and eliminated. The boy, who was younger than he currently was and at one point carefree, was given a choice: enroll in the nation's school or become an enemy of the nation. His parents, who were full of wisdom, attempted to protect him from the corruption of the government. They were later eliminated and the boy, who barely survived, was shot in the small of his back and left for dead. It is a wonder that he is still alive. Some believe that he was blessed with a rebellious spirit. Years later, in his rage, the boy has attempted to combat the government by force. With a baseball bat, the only thing at his disposal, the boy attempts to drive the government away. The ash man learns of the boy and the trouble that he causes and immediately goes to discipline him. The man's presence stirs up an indescribable fear within the boy, which renders him powerless. The boy manages to escape his momentary imprisonment, but is now unsure if he can properly combat the government. The boy is left alone with a crushed spirit and a more level head. Later on in his life he meets three people. The first is a rather shady looking fellow, who, despite this, is full of good intentions. He is fully capable of mending any body and healing the sick. It is unclear as to whether or not he is properly trained, but he is effective in his skill, regardless. The second is an eccentric young man with a staggering amount of knowledge. He serves as the voice of reason and educates the young boy of their government. By appearances, he can pass off as the boy's legal guardian, which occasionally becomes useful. The third is a young girl who once attended the school of her nation. She chose to no longer attend the school, but had much difficulty leaving and preserving her life. Collectively, very little is known about these three people. However, much like the boy, they all have the same goal in mind.

The ash man is considered to be one of the voices of the nation. He is one of the most loyal and the most disciplined of his people. He is the role model of the nation's youth, and it is his duty to discipline those who are the least disciplined. The "valedictorian" of the school is chosen to work alongside the man with the intent that they will someday become his predecessor. A very bright boy was chosen for this position. He later fought the boy with bright yellow hair. It was him who stated that the boy lacked proper instruction. His words convinced the boy to re enroll to the school under a different alias, not with the intent to be loyal to the government, but to receive the best training possible. Some were concerned that the boy had become a changed man, but he preserved his rebellious spirit.

The ash man purposely wears dark glasses to conceal his eyes. It is said that his gaze is so terrifying that no one can properly look him in the face. Even with the glasses, he is somehow able to instill fear toward the objects of his attention. Some believe that he is capable of doing much more than he appears to be capable of.

Despite its paranoid behavior, the nation's government does in fact have a real foe. Anarchy is in danger of running rampant, and the true enemies of the nation are abound, but the government are unsure as to where they may be. Their only solution is to punish whomever they see fit.

And that's it -- the meat of it, anyway.
This story doesn't reflect or criticize anything. Just letting you know.

All of this was inspired by a boy with a baseball bat, and that boy was inspired by this song:

It's called "Highlight". Earlier on when coming up with this,the name, "highlighter boy" ran across my mind.

Well... I hope you liked it. haha... orz;;
I have a couple of doodles of the characters that I might upload later.

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